The way it is now is fine with me -- the flash is a little bit much.  The icon 
in the upper right should be enough.  

This is why:  If a person does something to enter FSEM, then that person (in 
most cases) will know that it's an applet window and the flashing is just 
mildly annoying.

If a person comes up to a computer after the change to FSEM or perhaps looks 
away during the change, he will miss the flashing and so it's unnecessary.  But 
the icon will still be there.  The icon is good -- not over done or over stated 
-- just enough.

Now for the taskbar:  When I go FSEM, I get the insets and subtract the insets 
from the new size of the window -- I use a Frame.  I need to know the full size 
of the Frame to draw what I'm drawing.  

When I hide the taskbar, there may already be an Event generated and propagated 
to my Frame.  I haven't added a WindowListener yet.  I'll try adding a 
WindowListener tomorrow and see if there's a resize event.  There should be 
some kind of event sent to my Frame.  If the taskbar is hidden, then I'll need 
to know the new size of the Frame so I can draw into it.  

So the problem may be that I'm not listening for a resize event.  I'll look at 
that tomorrow.

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