I wanted to add, your feedback on the new applet warning window
  is most welcome. While we won't have time to address any issues
  you raise in 6u10 we will try in 6u11.


Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:

I added a ComponentListener to my VSync applet. http://pancyl.com/VSync.htm

The listener just prints out the name of the received event, eg. vsync.VSyncFS --- Resized vsync.VSyncFS --- Shown


The flashing border happens everytime vsync.VSyncFS gains focus. That's probably unnecessary.

  That's intentional. Since now the window doesn't have a prominent applet
  "warning window" we felt it was necessary to draw user's attention
  to the fact that this window belongs to an untrusted applet every time
  the user switches to it.

When the taskbar is hidden or unhidden, no ComponentEvent is sent to vsync.VSyncFS. So if there are window/component related events being sent to my Frame, I don't know what they are.

  I'll have to defer this to the AWT team.

Also, I noticed that in IE6 when I'm loading the applet and I open the Java Console from the tray icon, the screen is cleared for the Java Console before it opens and that makes a funny spot in the Java Splash Screen.

  So it works fine on IE7 or FF3?
  This will probably be better answered on the plugin forum.


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