Thanks for all the tips so far.

The paintmanager I made was partly inspired from that post you linked to, coxcu.
But you got me interested in the native peers section. Only, I cannot seem to 
find any tutorials on how to get started on the subject.

On to the other solutions: 
The main usage for this program is as recording function for a digital 
whiteboard, so I'm afraid I'll lose too much performance if I switch from 
VolatileImage backbuff to BufferedImage.
The same stands for using JXLayer. I looked through the examples and found a 
Paint-like implementation which performed not that well.

But I'll still try the methods the next two days and post the results.

As a small sidenote for anyone interested in this manner:
I also tried going the JNI way. I implemented a Delphi screen grabber routine, 
but that was marginally slower than the Java.AWT.Robot way. (around 10-20%)
Maybe this can be speeded up if I do it in C...

So recap, I'm gonna try:
- RepaintManager with BufferedImage
- JXLayer
- JNI with C screengrabber

If possible, could someone point me in the right direction for Native Peer 
screen grabbing? Or do you mean the JNI call way with that?

Thank you very much for the time spent so far, and when I get the results from 
the two other suggested solutions, I'll award the relevant points.
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