Yes I understood the disadvantage of the VI, and I wasn't discarding your 
solution without trying it out first. :-)
The main reason why I hadn't tried it yet, was because I thought that the 
_writing_ to the VI/BI would occur more often than the _reading_ from, thus 
nullifying the advantage of the zero cost in reading from the VI instead of the 

Anyway, upon disabling the direct draw and thereby forcing the BI's, the 
application did not slow down visibly. Thus giving me hope for the BI 
Repaintmanager way.

Now I need to find some good references about accessing the backbuffer directly 
using the RepaintManager. Currently I use the repaintmanager to mainly log the 
calls and then forward them to the awt.Robot. 

As a sidenote:
component.paint / print now occur much faster when DDraw is disabled.
(This is obvious because the backbuffer now also is a BI, making the painting 
BI->BI instead of VI->BI. I just noted this for other people struggling with 
the subject.)

Thanks for all the help (and patience)!
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