The first thing that you will have to understand is that Java is
going to be slower than anything except maybe Flash.  If your goal
is to be as fast as C, C++, C# or .Net then you should find another goal
because it is already a given that Java will be slower.

Another way to display an image is the use of MemoryImageSource and
BufferStrategy which can be very useful for animations but not necessarily
faster in loading since the only way to load a tif image is with ImageIO
and BufferedImage.

But your experiments are important because they will reveal the flaws and
inconsistencies in Java2D, BufferedImage and ImageIO.  Note them down

A complete study of all the various pathways an image can take from disk to display along with timings for each pathway would be an even more valuable
task than the task you are currently attempting.

Making a catalog of all the ways Java can make an image and the pitfalls
and workarounds necessary for many of those paths would make a very valuable
white paper.  It will not be an easy task.

If you work on a task like that, don't forget to look carefully at
ImageReadParam and how that can be used and how it can lead to a multitude of
dead ends.

It is no small task to do this but you will learn a lot and that knowledge
will be valuable. wrote:
Thank you Dmitri for your answer.

Excuse me if some of the above comments are incorrect,
but i am new to Java2D programming. Also, i would GREATLY appreciate if there is
yet another method to do what i want (e.g. load and display an image) in a faster way. To be honest i am creating an app here and i compare it with the speed of others that
are written in native code (or even .NET) and mine is much slower.

It's hard to accept that i cannot do with Java what others are doing with c or 

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