Sounds like you have a dodgy switch under your keyboard's letter G.
Turn you keyboard upside down, and give it a controlled but ascertive shake.
You could also spray clean air under the keys, but, do not spray anything onto / under the keys other than clean air.


On 08-Mar-2017 1:36 pm, Judy Jones wrote:
This is really strange, and I don't know the cause, but every once in a
while, for instance when I am writing in a Word document, or, if I am in the
subject or message of an e-mail.  When it comes to spelling a word with the
letter G in it.  Once I tap the G, the open-programs sounds, and Jaws goes
silent.  I have no idea what is going on, but know it has to do with the
Letter G.  To get out of that dilemma, I have to unload then reload Jaws.

Thanks for any ideas.


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