
Is this a bug?

   (bind ?a "1114783200000")
   (bind ?c "1138958880000")
(printout t "subtract and divide " (integer (- (/ ?c 1000) (/ ?a 1000))) crlf)
   (printout t "divide and subtract " (integer (/ (- ?c ?a) 1000)) crlf)
   subtract and divide 24175680
   divide and subtract 2147483

   (bind ?a 1114783200000)
   (bind ?c 1138958880000)
(printout t "subtract and divide " (integer (- (/ ?c 1000) (/ ?a 1000))) crlf)
   (printout t "divide and subtract " (integer (/ (- ?c ?a) 1000)) crlf)
   subtract and divide 24175680
   divide and subtract 24175680

Actually, in my program, ?a and ?c come from shadow facts and the variables are bound to variables declared long in the underlying Java object. They are the arrival time and current time in milliseconds. Anyway, being declared long, I would expect the behaviour of ?a and ?c to be like in the second case. But they behave like in the first case.

Florian Fischer

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