Hi Derek,

OK OK... I wasn't going to say anything either but with Peter and James
added to Wolfgang, I have to pile too :-)

IMHO there are a number of maxims of rule-based programming that you're
breaking here.  Ernest has put the first one most succinctly in the past:
Use many smaller rules that do one thing well rather than one Über Rule that
boils the ocean.  Declarative programming should say what action(s) are to
be performed when certain facts are present, but not attempt to implement
those actions directly on the RHS.

The second, as James and Peter pointed out, is not to do Java programming on
the RHS.  If you make the RHS a series of method calls that take the
variable bindings from the LHS as arguments, your rules will be much cleaner
and maintainable.

Finally -- and this is just a plain programming nit -- I noticed the
apparent use of magic numbers in your conditions.  What about all these
calls to overrideAgeCost()?  Where are those args coming from?  Are they
part of some policy? What if that policy changes?  Then your rules would be
in a "dirty" form.  Wouldn't it be better to get those values from some
cache or database with most current values?

Something that might help you:
I've been collecting rule-based *metaphors* lately -- different ways of
thinking about using rules.  One metaphor that has been particularly
productive has been thinking about "digestion" and the passing of data
through a series of modules like a "digestive tract".  Obviously, if you
carry the metaphor too far ... well you see where the "garbage in/ garbage
out" saying comes into play. :-)  But the idea is that you are moving the
data through different states, partially processing it each time a new rule
module has a crack at it.  This has precedent in UNIX/LINUX with pipes --
same idea.  Old wine in a new bottle? Perhaps.  But this way, you can
clearly separate out concerns, add pre and post processing functions, and
test partial results by simply disabling/enabling certain modules in the


Jason Morris
Chairman, Rules Fest 2010/2011
Morris Technical Solutions LLC
(517) 304-5883

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