On 2005-02-28 (10:56) Bob Hanson wrote:
>Tamas E. Gunda wrote:
>>To summarize, I am in dilemma - which is the better solution? To make
>>everything in double? The presence of Chime is easy to test, and if
>>ok, lets use it. However, the check of the Jmol applet is not so
>>straightforward, as its functionality heavily depends upon the actual
>>JRE. If the browser hangs up (as in the case of JRE 1.4 and Firefox)
>>nothing helps and the user will probably avoid to visit such pages
>code? For example, jmol.js could be modified to detect IE (can it
>detect whether Java is there? or the right java?) and, if so,
it is possible to detect if Java is working (off the top of my head - 
javaEnabled?  somthing like that).  and browser identity is an accessible 
property, though easily spoofed by browsers these days.  I don't know if you 
can query for JVM version, though you can query for required functionality.  
for example, I use the Jmol messageCallBack to determine if Jmol is loaded and 
can respond at this level.  I also use document.getElementById in a like manner.


Timothy Driscoll
molvisions - see, grasp, learn.
usa:north carolina:wake forest

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