The call you will need to make is to this, in org.jmol.viewer.Viewer:

  public String loadModelFromFile(String fullPathName, String fileName,
                                  String[] fileNames, Object reader,
                                  boolean isAppend,
                                  Map<String, Object> htParams, SB
                                  SB sOptions, int tokType, boolean
isConcat) {

fullPathName should be just that

fileName is the no-path name of the file from the fullPathName

fileNames must be null

isAppend = true is optional and allows you to append this model to the
current set of models

reader is your  BufferedInputStream

htPararms allows setting all sorts of options for file loading such as
custom unit cell, custom space group, lattice, packing, biomolecule, etc.

It's possible that loadScript should be non-null. (It's what is put in the
state if a state is ever created.)

sOptions will be ignored

tokType must be 0

isConcat should be false

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