Sorry it took a while.  I had a very busy day.

This example shows the focus bug:

This example shows the other bug:
This bug is the bug where the first set of results will override the second.
I watch in firebug after I typed in mod a get was called for mo (my minimum
number of letters) and then a get request was called for mod.  The results
from mod came back quicker (because the results set was smaller or the query
was faster).  Then the first "mo" were returned and replaced the second.

Just type mod and let it sit there.

Thanks for looking.

On 12/5/07 9:42 AM, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Shelane schrieb:
>> if I have a focus called in the code just before applying the
>> autocomplete, then when the autocomplete runs, the data never shows.
>> firebug shows that the call is being made, it just never displays.  i
>> take the focus call out and it works fine.  this is with the latest
>>> from SVN that i just downloaded yesterday.
> Could you post a testpage, or at least a sample of your code?
> Jörn

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