Dear Greg,
the Adorno enclosure makes very interesting reading - there's weekend ahead, I 
shall take all the time to thoroughly read it.
As far as EJ's diary goes, an influence of Heidegger regarding his antipathy 
towards technology is evident, he must have liked Heidegger's term "das 
Gestell" as kind of a totalizing word describing this  phenomenon. The word is 
used ambiguously here. It can be interpreted as a rack or a framework, 
technically speaking, but one can more freely deduce from "etwas verstellen". 
Bearing a meaning of blocking, "obstructing one's view" etc.

But of course lots of his antipathy derives from personal experience. Examples 
given in his diary are countless. And reading FGJ's books, which also include 
many autobiographical references, one can see FGJ certainly wasn't a great 
friend of chainsaws.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gregory Whitfield 
  Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 6:14 AM
  Subject: [juenger_org] Re-publication of The Failure of Technology

    Relative newcomer to Juenger that I am , I wonder to what degree Juenger 
was influenced -- if at all -- by Jaspers, Spengler and Heidegger regarding his 
antipathy towards modernity and technology ? 

        Taking the point further ( the banality and dangers of technology as 
mass 'culture' ) I find Horkheimer and Adorno's "Dialectic of Enlightenment / 
Enlightenment as Mass Deception" to be very relevant, though I markedly qualify 
that by saying I am no great fan at all of the Frankfurt School and their aims 
and affiliations.


        --- On Thu, 22/10/09, Richard Krähenbühl <> wrote:

          From: Richard Krähenbühl <>
          Subject: Re: [juenger_org] Re-publication of The Failure of Technology
          Date: Thursday, 22 October, 2009, 11:34 PM

          Dear Simon,
          who knows, perhaps the growing perplexity of mankind in today's world 
may on the other hand favor and promote some deeper analysis, some analysis 
hitherto overlooked. People assailed by the all the evident secondary effects 
of today's technology may be happy to find out about Friedrich Georg Jünger 
having written his prophetic book long ago. Published at a time when people 
still had high hopes in the liberating promises of technology. As once stated 
here, i would not have known EJ and his brother FGJ, if it were not from 
reading the works by a notable German astrologer, Wolfgang Doebereiner, who 
quite often quoted EJ and FGJ in his books. Doebereiner somewhere even goes so 
far as to modify the popular Goebbels slogan to the masses: "Wollt ihr den 
totalen Krieg", which resounded with an overwhelming "Jaaaah"  from the 
hypnotized public; modifying it with a more contemporary sounding "Wollt ihr 
die totale Technik?"
          Ample reasons to be pessimistic, it seems.

          For me, Georg Friedrich's book "Perfektion der Technik" has got 
something of an unsparing diagnosis. As you say, gründlich, and with a depth of 
vision lacking in so many contemporary commentators, and, of course, endowed 
with the WOW-effect, as i would call it, of someone having been capable to 
foresee all these present troubles, be it environmental, exploitative. 
name it. My optimism derives from the fact that an unsparing diagnosis may have 
a better chance of healing the disease.  My optimism derives from the fact that 
people often are not as stupid as they are believed to be. Your blog and the 
list here are just one instance among many others to prove it. And of course, 
there have been all those develompments to the year 2009, for the better or for 
the worse.
          It may sound strange, but reading the Juenger brothers always 
instills some hope in me. For instance EJ often brings in the grand serpent. He 
sees the serpent shedding it's skin whenever  cataclysms happen, the 
catastrophes you are talking about. What is he talking about?

          "...An ancient Force ascending serpentine
          The unhasting spirals of the aeonic road.

          That's Sri Aurobindo speaking; in a sonnet called "Evolution". 
          Evolution as a serpentine force unfolding.
           Man has been called the "crown of evolution": Sri Aurobindo 
challenges this statement. From a Christian point of view, the theologician 
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin has written about this evolutionary topic as well. 
Has evolution ended with the appearance of man? Or is it continuing? Will there 
be something beyond? That's the question arising in me, when EJ talks about the 
skin-shedding serpent.

          Hey, that was great,Simon, what you wrote about the elements, the 
fire and it all.


            ----- Original Message ----- 
            From: Simon Friedrich 
            Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 9:19 AM
            Subject: AW: [juenger_org] Re-publication of The Failure of 

            Yes, Richard, it made my day too when they replied this way. I 
wasn't expecting it. I wonder what sort of distribution and marketing it will 
get though.... I don't know Alethes or the International Institute of Arts and 
Letters (though name of the latter is impressive enough), I wonder how much 
publicity this reprint will get. We'll have to help them with own little 

            This book explains so much about technology and so "grundlich" - 
far more than the cleverest contemporary commentators, who mess around on the 
surface and have lost sight of the fire in all the smoke of details and 

            Unfortunately I also find reading this book very depressing - it 
only confirms that our developments can only end in catastrophe. The only 
question is the degree of that catastrophe and if humanity will learn anything 
by it. As EJ says, the Titans are only stopped by catastrophe. This will 
inevitably happen, and thank the gods that it will, for humanity's sake and the 
earth's. But the question remains if humanity will learn anything from it all. 
I am pessimistic - two world wars only promoted the perfection and faith in 

            Dare I be quite frank? I can only assume that the coming 
catastrophes will dwarf even the world wars. The elemental powers that FGJ 
talks about are only more enslaved and pent-up now than back then. When they 
find their freedom from man's chains, may the gods help us. Of the 4 elements 
it is Fire that is particularly worrisome. Water and Earth have been exploited 
and exhausted, but Fire has only been multiplied and distributed to every small 
corner of the world. It is momentarily contained - in refineries, nuclear and 
other power plants, factories, combustion engines, heating furnaces, the whole 
electrical grid. But fuel is everywhere, and increased in its volatility by the 
retreat of water and earth. If, WHEN, this fire gets loose, the "firestorms" of 
Ernst Juenger's Eumeswil may be the result. Even the summer fires in Greece, 
California, Spain etc are not unrelated - bad omens.

            I told my father recently that if I were to write a book about the 
last few centuries of civilization it would be called "The failure of 
humanity". Imagine: we come all this way over so many generations, with so much 
hope and so much sacrifice to realize a future utopia, only to arrive and 
discover that we have actually destroyed humanity, merely prepared the ground 
for someone else, be it the insect or the robot - or most likely, the robot-man 
of a Brave New World. Talk about a grand disappointment!

            All the more reason to become an anarch and find your own meaning 
in life beyond society's successes or failures. 

            Forgive my pessimistic tone - but "succeed in playing life as a 
game and you will find honey in nettles and hemlock" (badly paraphrased from 

            http://ernst- juenger.blogspot .com

            Von: Richard Krähenbühl <ri...@t-online. de>
            An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
            Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 21. Oktober 2009, 22:09:52 Uhr
            Betreff: Re: [juenger_org] Re-publication of The Failure of 

            You made my day, dear Simon. That's great news!
            FGJ was so ahead of his time. 
            He seems to be catching up. I always found it such a pity that his 
works should have fallen into oblivion.

            Thanks once more. 

              ----- Original Message ----- 
              From: Simon Friedrich 
              Cc: Tobias Wimbauer 
              Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 8:19 AM
              Subject: [juenger_org] Re-publication of The Failure of Technology

              Dear List, 

              I eventually got around to writing to the rights holders of F.G 
Jünger´s "Die Perfektion der Technik" (The Failure of Technology) to persuade 
them to reprint this magically insightful book in English. 

              They replied that Alethes Press, the publishing arm of the 
International Institute of Arts and Letters, will shortly be publishing it! 

              Excellent news - I am re-reading it now and am again and again 
impressed by F.G.J´s deep insights into the true foundations and consequences 
of technology. Insights which I believe also prove that myth speaks about 
deeper realities than reason can reach - he certainly came to much of his 
understanding through his deep knowledge of Greek mythology, in particular of 
the nature of the Titans.

              This book matches anything EJ wrote - and I say that as a very 
devoted fan of EJ´s.

              http://ernst- juenger.blogspot .com

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