> An example of the standard usage pattern for JDBC can be seen in: 
> com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.jdbc.ValueConverterFactory.  
> Regardless of whether you use ResultSet's getObject() or something like 
> getInt(), eventually you are going to need an object representation of 
> the data in order to work with it.  BasicFeature.SetAttribute requires 
> an Object.  So if you did something like: new 
> Integer(rs.getInt(columnIndex)) on a null column , the JavaDoc for 
> ResultSet says you'll get a zero int wrapped in an Integer.
Zero is not equal to NULL by any means!!!
The assumption that a zero can be used in place of a NULL is quite bad, 
IMHO. Is exactly the kind of stuff that makes legacy formats like 
shapes, mapinfo, etc. vastly inferior in respect to RDBMSs.

> I appreciate all of the clever solutions, but I will remain convinced 
> that BasicFeature can detect modification without any need for explicit 
> client methods to set it, until someone shows me proof that it can not.
If you spend a moment to look at the code I attached in my previous 
message you'll see that it works in both cases. Non mod-aware client 
will get the automatic assumption that each and every attributes has to 
be set at least once before init can be considered ended. While 
mod-aware clients can, if they want, set the init status explicitely.

> regards,
> Larry

> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Paolo Rizzi <g...@oicom.com 
> <mailto:g...@oicom.com>> wrote:
>     The previous sample code I posted was foolish, I'm sorry!!!
>     Find attached a better version that uses a single Object reference
>     to track both initialization and modify state.
>     During initialization this Object references a byte[] where each
>     element tracks the init state of the corresponding attribute.
>     Init ends when all attributes has been set at least once or when the
>     client code calls a provided method.
>     After init has ended the byte[] is discarded and the Object
>     references the static instance of Boolean.FALSE (so there's no
>     memory wasted beyound the single Object reference itself).
>     After at least one attributes is set, the Object references the
>     static instance Boolean.TRUE.
>     Client code can decide to force init end with a non-modified state
>     or even an already-modified state, if it likes to.
>     The code does not check if the new value set for an attribute is
>     equal or not to the value already present. This is because a ==
>     check would not be good because two different Integer instances both
>     containing the same value are to be considered equal.
>     So the equals() method should be used, but that is not garanteed to
>     work with all class types, so I think it may be better to skip the
>     check altogether and consider an attribute modified in any case.
>     Hope this is helpful!!! :-)
>     Bye
>     Paolo
>     public class BasicFeature {
>            private Object[] attributes;
>            private Object mods;
>            public void forceInitEnded(boolean modified) {
>                 //force init end and specified modify state
>               mods = modified ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
>            }
>            public boolean isInitEnded() {
>               if( mods instanceof Boolean )     //init ended
>                 return true;
>               if( mods == null ) {                                 //if
>     still null
>                 mods = new byte[attributes.length];    //create it
>                 Arrays.fill((byte[])mods,(byte)0);          //fill with
>     zeros
>                 return false;   //init not even started
>               }
>               for(int i=0;i<((byte[])mods).length;i++)
>                 if( ((byte[])mods)[i] == 0 )  //if any attribute never
>     flagged
>                   return false;          //init not ended
>               forceInitEnded(false);         //init ended, no mods done
>               return true;     //init ended
>            }
>            public void setAttribute(Object[] newAttributes) {
>               //call setAttribute() for each element
>            }
>            public void setAttribute(int attributeIndex, Object
>     newAttribute) {
>               if( isInitEnded() )                  //if init ended
>                 mods = Boolean.TRUE;               //feature modified
>               else                                                      
>                   //if init not ended
>                 ((byte[])mods)[attributeIndex] = 1;   //flag the
>     attributes mod
>               attributes[attributeIndex] = newAttribute;
>            }
>            public boolean isModified() {
>               return isInitEnded() ? ((Boolean)mods).booleanValue() : false;
>            }
>     }
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