[I wrote]
> > I guess I wasn't quite clear: my current implementation is both
> > visibility + value, not visibility only (like current if [ ]) or
> > value only (like an earlier discussion of dep_if).

[Greg Banks]
> Aha.  I think you're going to be arguing uphill to get it in.

Could be.  Perhaps none of this will see the light of day.  But, while
I've designed it to replace the current syntax, it can coexist with it
for as long as necessary.

> > and easy to work around if not wanted.
> Not so sure about that.

My Menuconfig patch still has one bug, which I'm still thinking about
the best way to fix, so I can't properly test this stuff yet - but
with the Config.in files I've dealt with so far, I haven't found it
hard to work around this semantic difference.

There are lots of instances of things like

  if [ "$CONFIG_FOO" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_FOO" = "m" ]; then
     dep_tristate 'Bar' CONFIG_BAR $CONFIG_FOO

which can be replaced by

  dep_if CONFIG_FOO
     tristate 'Bar' CONFIG_BAR

but few, if any, instances of

  if [ "$CONFIG_FOO" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_FOO" = "m" ]; then
     tristate 'Bar' CONFIG_BAR

which would require the more complex

  dep_if CONFIG_FOO=y or CONFIG_FOO=m
     tristate 'Bar' CONFIG_BAR

(Not to mention the possibility that such instances are buggy and
should have been a dep_tristate in the first place.)

> > My primitives are all set to *not* ignore empty dependency values,
> > if and when we can verify that the corpus is ready for that
> > change.  The mechanism is also there (come The Day) to change
> Oh no, the dreaded flag day.

Heh.  No, a flag day is where BIGNUM things have to be patched at once
because there's no migration path.  In this case there *is* a
migration path, so the only things that break on The Day are things
the gcml2 checker (and a grep through the makefiles for suspicious
things like 'ifdef') has warned us about but we didn't bother to fix.


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