On 20/02/2023 21:39, Cristian Secară wrote:

Has anyone thought about i18n issues at the time of choosing this font?

Back when Vegar was chosen, the intersection of FLOSS license, and pan-unicode fonts was aesthetically displeasing for every writing system in use.

The situation today is aesthetically displeasing in all but one writing system.

Why not choose from SIL fonts ? Their i18n support is comprehensive (and font 
quality is awesome).

There is this little thing known as license incompatibility. Not all of the fonts that SIL distributes use the SIL Open Font License.

Or, perhaps the sister project considers that only 'Western' languages "

The options are:
* An attractive font that works for one writing system only;
* A font that is ugly for every writing system out there;
* A plethora of fonts whose only element in common is that each font is attractive for a specific writing system;

If you are aware of a font that is as aesthetically pleasing in Miami, as it is in Naxi, and uses a FLOSS license, a plethora of designers want to know about it.


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