I've taken encouragement from you and just committed to doing the injections myself. I've just got to wait for them to tell me when the three weekly appointments at the hospital will be (starting in the next couple of weeks) for the rheumatologists to do the first one and supervise me doing the next two before letting me "loose" to do my own unsupervised. They make it as easy as possible providing prefilled syringes complete with needle attached, latex gloves, sharps bin, sterile swabs and a clinical waste bag. The most difficult bit (apart from getting the courage to make that first stab) looks like peeling the sealing cover off the syringe container. I've already got the first four.

DH read the leaflets I'd been given and was most perturbed by the bit which says that if you spill any of the syringe contents on clothing, to wash the garment as quickly as possible and separate from any other items. He said "What the hell's in it? And you're going to put that stuff into your body?" I pointed out that I already do in tablet form.

I watched a couple of videos on Youtube. One with a chap giving himself his first injection and another of someone used to doing it. What struck me with both of them was that they cleaned a large circle of skin and then handled the skin with bare hands. Then they both stuck the needle in the centre of the circle they cleaned on the uncleaned part of skin.

If it hurts and I end up in a jellied, pathetic, screaming heap, I'LL BLAME YOU! :-D

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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