My lace is made, and I was getting ready to send it
early when my guild president 'requested' me to bring
it to the next meeting on Dec. 1.  We got word that a
reporter was going to be there to take pictures and my
president wants my ornaments on display before I give
any of them away.  I can make the required deadline,
but it won't be real early. (sigh)  Such go the best
laid plans of mice and lacemakers.  So -- I can have
everything ready, and stuff the envelope and mail it
on the way home from the meeting.

Otherwise, I've been making a variety of ornaments. 
It's been a bit fun going through all my notebooks for
patterns that are different, and trying some of them. 
I've also added soft wire as the headside gimp on some
of them.  The wire makes them firm enough that they
don't need starched.  The wire can also make a loop to
use for hanging.

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon
(used to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] but now am

--- Janice Blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bev wrote:
> Hi everyone in the exchange!
> By now some of you have made and sent your cards,

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