I have wondered the same thing at one time or another. I asked my insurance agent about whether my supplies were covered under my homeowner's insurance, and the answer was that I would have to compile an inventory (preferably with photographs) and get a "rider" on my insurance to cover these things, since it is clear to me that the total exceeds the limit my insurance company puts on this sort of thing. It would be the same as insuring cameras or jewelry or musical instruments...

So, for me, the question comes down to... when will I make the time to take that inventory and the pictures? Sigh... I'd rather make lace.


On 4/16/2011 4:02 AM, lacel...@frontier.com wrote:
How important is it to have a current inventory of all lacemaking equipment? Is it really worth the time and effort?
Alice in Oregon ... looking forward to no rain next week.

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