Subject: Re: [lace] Replies to many!

<Arachne 20 years - a Stuart Johnson bobbin please, I have a cupboard of
cloths and I can only use one decorative one at a time. >

Wow! Alex, I'm impressed - I presume only one decorative one means you have
only one pillow on the go at any one time!!


Hi Sue

I only use one pillow at a time. I have two more on the go with a pretty cover
cloth on each, but I only have one pair of hands and one brain to work them.
(One is the clock face that is on the front cover of my Bucks book.)  However
I sometimes have as many as 240 pairs on one pillow so more bobbins are always
useful. As I use different thicknesses of threads I need bobbins and spangles
of different weights to suit them and it is not fun respangling 100 bobbins
because I need them lighter or heavier for a particular piece.  I have
recently been playing this game when I found some 240/2 and needed very light

Perhaps you are not so impressed now, especially as the clock face has not
moved for over 6 years.

Happy lacemaking


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