Hi Brian,

I am sad to say that even 'copy blocked' websites are not immune to copying. They just make it a little harder, not just a right-mouse-button-click to copy the information. At best. it means that the illegal copy will take a little bit more effort to make and will probably produce a poorer quality image, (i.e. a screen capture and not a PDF or whatever the original file format was). But, it might stop an honest person by making them think a bit.

I asked my husband, a senior software architect, if there were any technical options and his answer was, "you're just screwed".

That said, we can all try to make a small difference in the world where we can. Say something if you see someone selling an illegal copy - maybe not an attack which will produce defensive response, but something like, 'I know that author/artist/designer spent a lot of time and effort to make that pattern, I think they deserve credit and financial reward for their work. Don't you think so?'

I know this approach is somewhat naïve, but I think it is better to try SOMETHING. I have teenagers and I've had talks with them about sharing songs from CDs with their friends. I tell them to buy the songs, not just copy stuff from other people. Especially now when you can easily buy a single song track online... if they need money for this, I can always provide some extra household job for them to do to earn money.


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