Regarding instructions, many lace "patterns" don't seem to include them!

Hi Susan

You comment on the lack of instructions with patterns. The comment that the
instructions are found in books is very relevant.  Many lace books are written
with the patterns in a progressive order so that patterns later in the book
involve techniques already covered earlier in the book so the last pattern may
involve the majority of those explained previously. If the pattern was sold as
a one-off it would need the whole book to support it. One-off patterns are
just that, they are not teaching books. I suggest you invest in a good
instruction book and work through it pattern by pattern, learning each
technique thoroughly as you go. The lace workers used to insist that a yard of
each new pattern had to be worked in order to learn the techniques and build
up speed; I have found that, if there are only 2-3 new techniques in a piece
than 4-5 repeats are all that are necessary. Once you understand the
techniques you can make anything. One of my students, who was making Bucks,
went to one of Pam Nottingham,s courses to start floral Bucks. But Pam said
she had to learn to ,read, a geometrical Bucks pattern, (i.e. understand how
to make a piece when presented with the pricking only – no picture of the
lace, no instructions) before she would teach her. (I had already told her
that but she thought she could take a short cut.)

Have fun


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