On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 7:35 AM, Fabien Basmaison <
fabien.basmai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't plan to be offensive or anything, but I'm still wondering why we
> have to find new terms to express old ideas like posting, forwarding or
> bouncing some informations (think about e-mails).
> If I think about accessibility, I guess most of the people won't understand
> the tweet/dent/grunt/whatsoever, when they'll understand post/forward/bounce
> quite fast.
> My two cents as a question: Does interoperability reside only in the code
> or the language used is to be considered too?
Actually, a big +1 from me. I still have a bit to learn about the identica
community, but I would strongly favor making the interface of StatusNet as
simple and plainspoken as possible.

"denting" is not a word used in common parlance and is likely to turn off
newcomers, or at least be a hurdle to successful adoption.

I completely understand the desire to brand the activity of a site, but I
would propose that these kinds of "localizations" be handled in just that
way: as "translations" of a site for a given community — and that the
mainline open source product use as little jargon as possible.

My two cents.


Chris Messina
Open Web Advocate

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