I would have the name of the base class (LazExporter) reflect that it
is intended for use with "2D-Data", and that it exports text.
TLaz2DTextExporter, or TCustom2DTextExporter? Or anything else?

The HTML exporter should not (or not always) write a complete HTML
page, most likely I would use the exporter to create the tables only
and insert them in an existing HTML document.
(The default setup IMO should be to just export it to a plain table
(only table, tr, th, td (and closing) tags.)
I could give the HTMLExporter a corresponding property. But I see the main use case of html export in stand-alone html documents, therefore I disagree on the default setup (i.e. I'd name the property "WriteFragmentOnly" instead of "WriteFullHTML"). And how do you want to insert the table in your document? By copy to clipboard? You must remember that we had constructed the "Clipboard.SetAsHtml" method such as to always write a complete html stream because some Office applications want that (http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=29146, see also comment in front of TClipboard.SetAsHtml).

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