> > Can anybody explain, why googling with:
> >         site:lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net dynamicarray
> > only gives two hits, but not
> > http://lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net/docs/lcl/dynamicarray/index.html
> >
> > It is a pity, that the most up to date docs are not completely indexed.
> I was just thinking along the same lines.  Google is so busy, it takes
> a long while to keep indexes up-to-date against constant changing
> sites.  This is going to be the only drawback of using Google to
> search docs.

That's the catch22 - I deal with this problem every month with websites. Google 
200,000-500,000 pages one month and then next month it drops down to 1,000 or 
even 200.
It's a roller coaster just like the stock market.  This would be where having 
your own
help doc indexing system would help. But to put less load on the 
servers it is obviously wise to have a client side program indexing system like 
db/whatever. Still, more important than indexing the docs is writing them - if 
weren't written, there wouldn't be anything to index - and Michael and others 
have done
excellent job there. How about google desktop search? LOL I haven't tried that 
one.. place
google desktop search on the FPC docs directory and see what happens?

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