Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:
> On 4/3/07, Sergei Gorelkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Unfortunately, not. By now fpGUI has (most of) the look, but does not
>> have the
>> feel. For example:
> I was only making a statement against the look.  I know the 'feel' as
> a lot more outstanding.
> Thanks for your observations though. I'll add them to my Windows todo
> list.  As a non-windows user any such hints are welcome and
> appreciated.
>> of legacy bugs and external dependencies, and at the same time
>> compatible with VCL to a certain degree, it has real potential to
> At first I wasn't steering towards VCL compatibility, but I have
> changed my mind since. I think getting fpGUI more VCL compatible will
> help attract more users of fpGUI and minimize the learning curve. I'm
> not aiming for 100% VCL compatible either, as I think some things in
> the VCL can be improved on, and will implement those in fpGUI.

If you don't want VCL compatibility, then better help with msegui.
MSEgui/ide is already an excellent non native/non vcl compatible gui
development system.

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