ik schreef:
On Dec 21, 2007 12:27 AM, Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ik schreef:

My "stable" version of lazarus is 0.9.24, however I do check Lazarus
svn from time to time, and usually I change the .lazarus directory
depends on the version I wish to check.
Is there a way to tell Lazarus to store information regarding he
specific version I'm using instead of working like that ?

You can tell lazarus what configuration directory to use. The default is
  ~/.lazarus (on *nix), but you can change this by using the --pcp
parameter: ./lazarus --pcp=

See also ./lazarus --help

Thanks, that worked. It seems though that if Lazarus restart itself
(like after recompiling Lazarus from inside the menu options), it will
not pass the command line parameters.

Good point. It probably should.


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