Hello Charles, Lynn , list
> > > Alternatively, use the same fields and write the
> > > engine in shell.script or php using sh-httpd. or a
> > > small server (boa, thttpd)
> >
> > It can be done with sh-httpd. Mosquito has used thttpd,
> > but thttpd is considerably larger (and more versitile).
> > My vote would be to use sh-httpd w/POST patch.

> IMHO, any web-administration utility should be fairly web-server
> neutral.  Since sh-httpd is small, and presents what I believe is a
> standard CGI interface to back-end programs, it is a good candidate.  It
> should be possible to use boa, thttpd, apache, or any other CGI-enabled
> web-server with little difficulty, however.
I agree with this. 
I like the sh-httpd, although I have some problems with persisiting 
/tmp files.
The webconfiguration interface will not get lots of page views at one 
time, ( at least I hope so ;) ).
But depending on what you are doing repeatedly viewing from one 

> > Anyone who would like to volunteer to work on any ideas, code re-work
> > within the existing Weblet, or developing the new code-base for
> > configuration integration would be welcome to participate.
> <snip>
> > I am presently starting work on the framework.
> >
> > I believe that this is more of a devel topic, so I am moving the
> thread
> > to leaf-devel. Is anyone ready to work on and/or discuss any sections
> > of this???
I would like to commit.  ( time is also sparse :( )

I would propose to get something like webmin does.
some routines for individual packages 
reading in variables combining them with package specific items
and then into the engine throwing out a webpage /form
after posting the option file is written out in standard option.textfile

> I can commit to any updates/modifications to sh-httpd that may be
> required.  I think it's possible to dramatically increase the CGI
> response of the existing sh-httpd when running CGI's, which would be a
> big help for a CGI driven admin interface.
That would be great.
> I can also help with architure, debugging, and (hopefully) crafty
> solutions to difficult scripting problems, but I can't commit to writing
> a major chunk of code due to current time constraints (although this may
> change suddenly if the company I work for suddenly "craters" :-/ ).
I don't hope so ( for you and the company that is) 

> *WACKY THOUGHT* - If we use sh-httpd as the web-server, and shell-script
> CGI's, would there be any benifit to wrapping the whole thing into a
> unified structure?  In other words, create a custom script-based CGI
> interface, rather than trying to match "standard" CGI...something like a
> shell-script version of PHP.  It could probably be faster/smaller than
> sticking with a conventional web-server/CGI approach, but would be less
> portable to other web servers.  Something to think about.
that sounds good to me.  
fast and small is something we could need for the "doorstop" 
computers still running .

> I've been investigating forth, and will be working on a micro-controller
> based hygrometer project running forth on an Ateml AVR processor in the
> near future.  I've been wanting access to a scripting language more
> powerful than shell-script on LEAF, and I think forth might fit the
> bill.  It's possible to compile forth without *ANY* libc requirements,
> but with the ability to talk *DIRECTLY* to the kernel (so you could load
> libc and make calls to it, if you really wanted, and do pretty much
> anything you want...remember the irreplacable part of libc is
> essentially an interface between C programs and the kernel, the rest is
> just a bunch of standard routines to make programmer's lives a bit
> easier).  That's a lot of power for an interpreter that would probably
> weigh in at 10K to 20K Bytes, with code that can potentially run at near
> optimized C speeds (ie *WAY* faster than shell-script)!
sounds good, but sounds also like a lot of work 
I am not that kind of a coder. ;)
> I've wanted to code an initial bootstrap loader in forth for a while
> (something that would boot from CD/Floppy/whatever, and optionally swap
> out the kernel, allowing fancy boot-time configuration w/o having to
> re-burn a CD to set kernel options.  The ability to make kernel calls
> from a script, w/o having any libc or /bin/sh dependencies is very cool
> for a boot-loader.  I also think an available forth interpreter could
> potentially help the construction of a new packaging system as well as
> fancy CGI admin scripts.
> I can volunteer time to help craft a forth implementation for LEAF, if
> anyone else is interested...
> ...oh, if you really want to get wacky, the web-server could be written
> in forth, too!
> ...signing off before I convince everyone I'm clinically insane! :-)
That would make two of us ;) 
Eric Wolzak

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