Am 09.04.2015 um 17:03 schrieb Andrew:
> 09.04.2015 17:47, Erich Titl пишет:
>>>> They are, but of course they cannot be replaced automatically if they
>>>> are not in either the tarball, the squashfs or in the modules directory.
>>> They'll be in modules directory because they'll be in moddb.
>> Yes, but they will not be recent, so they might break the system.
> In worst case they will not be loaded. And they will require manual 
> update - like before. And we have no possibility to automate this - by 
> using tarball with modules, or by using squashfs. User in both cases 
> should copy custom modules to moddb or to lib/modules.

We might be able to provide a list of missing modules.


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