Am 09.04.2015 um 16:36 schrieb Andrew:
> So let's store both packed modules + unpacked on server side, as we 
> decided earlier.
> Packed modules will be suitable for routers with enough storage space; 
> unpacked - for tiny systems.
> I just voting against excluding packed modules in prefer to unpacked 
> tree. It'll break usability in many cases.

That is fine with me, let's just unpack in a first step as I did in
branch 5.1.4-rc2 we can decide to move to squashfs later.


>> I am building moddb of course, and for the people requiring extra
>> modules they will be able to include them easily.
> I mean moddb save/load logic. It'll be unneeded in most cases and empty, 
> but it'll leave possibility to load custom modules.

We will always need this functionality, I will not touch it.

>> They are, but of course they cannot be replaced automatically if they
>> are not in either the tarball, the squashfs or in the modules directory.

> They'll be in modules directory because they'll be in moddb.

Yes, but they will not be recent, so they might break the system.

> As I said, I expect that squash will be mounted on boot on 
> /lib/modules/<kernel version>, then - modules probing will be ran, then 
> - modules will be copied to /etc/modules, exclusions for them will be 
> added to moddb (to not store these modules in moddb), and then - unmount 
> squash and re-probe modules from /etc/modules (for loading custom modules).

I have not touched the boot process on purpose. If you decide to change
it, be my guest.


> For me, squashfs will be also better than tarball. It'll remove need of 
> module autoprobing, and it'll make system upgrade easier than with 
> tarball (esp. for system with NICs that aren't in moddb).

I understand



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