Hi Andrew

Am 19.08.2015 um 16:21 schrieb Andrew:
19.08.2015 17:13, Erich Titl пишет:
Hi Andrew

Am 19.08.2015 um 16:11 schrieb Andrew:
19.08.2015 17:09, Erich Titl пишет:
Hi Andrew


Yew and IMHO those modules should be replaced by the ones from either
moddb or autoprobing.

Why them should be duplicated in moddb? What sense of this?

Because they got replaced by a version which may be different. As I said, stuff in initmod is _temporary_ to me, just for system boot. If I could, I would even replace the kernel on the fly :-) There is no need to have a recent kernel just to fetch sofware on storage, but YMMV



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