Hi Andrew

Am 19.08.2015 um 13:25 schrieb Andrew:
19.08.2015 12:23, Erich Titl пишет:
Hi Andrew

Am 19.08.2015 um 11:16 schrieb Andrew:


What is this file for? If it is used to tell which modules to fetch
from where then the whole point of autodetection is questionable?

/var/lib/lrpkg/*.modules provides list of modules that are loaded from
LRP (for ex., initmod.modules) so should be omitted when moddb is

Who does create and maintain this file, to tell you the truth, the
less lists we need to maintain the better.
It's created automatically - by buildtool (if specified 'module' type
for file) or, for sqfs, by init or hwdetect.

How does buildtool know what the end user wants?



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