This week's stories: Police May Have Murdered Suspect...Treat People 
Like Animals, and Funnily Enough...Private Schools Allowed to Persecute
Students...Police and ASIO To Get New Powers By the Back 
Door?...Internet Filters Engage in Secret Censorship...37 Months' Jail 
For Joking About the President...No Right of Conscience for Israeli 
Soldiers...Quote of the Week.

A policeman says that members of the Victorian drug squad planted a gun
after they shot Graeme Jensen in 1988, and falsely claimed that they 
fired on him in self-defence.

Detective Sergeant Malcolm Rosenes was in charge of the surveillance 
unit following Jensen, who was suspected of armed robbery, when he was 
shot.  He has now been arrested on drug charges, and made the claim to a 
police Ethical Standards Department team investigating corruption in the 
drug squad.
(The Age, January 4).

Refugees caused about $8 million damage to the Baxter, Port Hedland, 
Woomera and Christmas Island detention centres over the Christmas 
period.  The government has denied that their refugee policy is in 
crisis. Refugees suspected of causing damage to the centres have been 
held in jails and police lockups.  Acting Immigration Minister Daryl 
Williams said that "they are in administrative detention and they can be 
held indefinitely", without being charged or facing trial.
(The Age, January 1 and 4).

The New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board says that both Labor and
Liberal state governments have ignored persecution of gay people by
religious schools.

The Board's chairman, Chris Puplick, said that "it is outrageous that
private and independent schools are still able to impose terms and
conditions of discrimination against gay and lesbian students which 
would be unacceptable in state schools, despite the fact that they take 
public money to finance their activities.  it is unacceptable and it 
occurs only because of the bloody-minded gutlessness of successive state 

Mr Puplick said that governments "rolled over whenever the independent
schools - particularly Catholic schools - have threatened them politically".

The Victorian Equal Opportunity Act allows discrimination by religious
organisations if it "conforms with the doctrines of the religion". 
Almost all religions condemn homosexuality.  Churches and religious 
schools in New South Wales are exempt from the Anti-Discrimination Act 
altogether. In August a 16 year old gay student sued Melbourne's 
Hillcrest Christian College.  The student said that the school principal 
told him to lie about his sexuality, and another staff member told him 
he had the devil in him but that she could "get him straightened out".
(Melbourne Community Voice, December 20).

The new Australian Crime Commission will have extensive powers, 
including the power to require suspects to answer questions under threat 
of five years jail.  The Director-General of ASIO and police 
commissioners will both sit on the Commission.

The government recently attempted to give ASIO extra powers, but was
defeated in Parliament after public pressure. The Commission was 
supported by both the government and Labor Party.
(The Australian, December 27).

A study of 'web filters' - programs designed to stop children accessing
pornography - has found that they also block health information sites. 
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 
gay sites in particular were blocked, even if they had nothing to do 
with sex. The words "gay" and "lesbian" were blocked more often than any 
other terms.
(Melbourne Community Voice, December 20).

An American who made a remark about a "burning bush" was sentenced this
month to 37 months in prison for "threatening to kill or harm the
president." Richard Humphreys said he got into a barroom discussion with 
a truck driver in which he joked about the biblical expression "burning 

A bartender who overheard the conversation knew that Bush was visiting 
the area the next day and so telephoned police. "I said God might speak 
to the world through a burning Bush," Humphreys testified during his 
trial. "I had said that before and I thought it was funny."
(SchNews, Christmas 2002 issue).

Israel's High Court has ruled that Israeli soldiers have no right to 
refuse to serve in the occupied territories of Palestine.  The soldiers 
said that their duties there involved "dominating, expelling, starving 
and humiliating" Palestinians.  At least 1755 Palestinians and 675 
Isrealis have been killed since September 2000 in fighting over Israel's 
occupation of Palestine.  Palestinians recently accused Israeli troops 
of beating a Palestinian teenager to death.  At least one soldier will 
be returned to a military prison for refusing to serve.
(The Age, January 1).

Quote of the Week:
"We have 50% of the world's wealth, but only 6.3% of its population. In 
this situation, our real job in the coming period is to devise a pattern 
of relationships which permit us to maintain this position of disparity. 
To do so, we have to dispense with all sentimentality ... we should 
cease thinking about human rights, the raising of living standards and 
- US state Department senior planner George Kennan, 1948.

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