To the person who mailed me a donation recently - thanks! Could you 
email me, because I couldn't contact the email in your letter.

This week's stories: Grief, Anxiety and Confusion - We Must Be in
Church...Democracy Not Very High on the Agenda For US...Threat To World
Peace From Rogue State...Iraqi People to Be Liberated From Life Under 
Saddam - And From Life In General...Free Market Triumphs Again...Quotes 
of the Week.

The support of Sydney's Catholic Archbishop, George Pell, for an 
American psychologist who claims homosexuality is a curable disorder 
will only result in "untold grief, anxiety and confusion", according to 
the Australian Psychological Society.
Dr Peter Rudegeair claims that, among other categories, those who fail 
on the sporting field because of poor co-ordination are at risk of 
turning to homosexuality later in life.
Dr Rudegeair's visit to Australia has been promoted by Archbishop Pell, 
as well as Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart.

(Sydney Morning Herald, January 29, and Melbourne Community Voice, 
January 31).

A US national security adviser has implied that the US intends to set up 
a dictatorship in Iraq after invading it.
Condoleezza Rice told Egypt's state-run Al-Ahram newspaper that, once
Washington had taken control, it hoped to install an administration made 
up of Iraqis currently living in the United States.
"We believe that when Iraq has been liberated from this terrible regime, 
the Iraqi people will be perfectly capable of running their own 
affairs," she said, "But there will be a certain moment, particularly 
while military operations are still under way, during which we will need 
to restore order and US military forces will play a central role in that".

(The Age, February 3).

An online poll by Time magazine, asking "which country poses the 
greatest danger to world peace in 2003?", has so far given the following 

North Korea 7.3 %
Iraq 8.4 %
The United States 84.3 %

A total of 328726 votes were cast.

(Time magazine website poll, as of February 3).

British doctor's group Medact estimates that an invasion of Iraq would 
lead to a total of 48,000 and 260,000 deaths. Civil war within Iraq 
could add another 20,000 deaths.  Later deaths from adverse health 
effects could add a further 200,000 deaths.
These estimates do not include the use of nuclear weapons, which the US 
has refused to rule out using.

US President George W. Bush chose to outline his economic plan at a 
trucking company warehouse while surrounded by
cardboard boxes.
The boxes were all stamped with "Made in China", so workers preparing 
for the event taped over every Made in China with a white sticker or 
packing tape.
The President spoke in front of a printed canvas backdrop with pictures 
of cardboard boxes stamped "Made in America" in large black letters.

(Sydney Morning Herald, January 24).

Quotes of the week:

"Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."

- Paulo Freire, educator (1921-1997)

"It was a hard choice...we think the price is worth it".

- Madeleine Albright, then US ambassador to the United Nations, when 
asked how she felt about the fact that sanctions had killed more than 
500,000 Iraqi children.

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Media outlets mentioned in All the News That Fits are sources - items 
are not direct quotes from news media.  Background information may have 
been gathered from sources in addition to media outlets cited.  Where no 
source is cited, the information has been gathered from direct sources.


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