This week's stories:  Some Fires Are More Important Than Others...Bosses
Agree, There's No Comparison Between Our Pay and the Plebs'...A 
Terrorist Is Someone Who's On Their Side...Lying Gets the Swoosh of 
Approval...Train Drivers Refuse to Move Ammunition for Gulf War...Quote 
of the Week (wrong!).

A resident of public housing in Canberra says that, during the Canberra
bushfires, firefighters arrived, started unrolling hoses, then left to
protect a farm instead when the fire approached. The man said that the 
ACT government has been trying to get rid of the Uriarra public housing 
settlement for years.
(ABC radio).

Unions say that the top 100 chief executives of Australian companies 
have received pay rises of 38 per cent in the past 12 months, while 
employers are opposing a $25 weekly pay rise for ordinary workers.
Chief executive of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Peter
Hendy, says it appears the campaign is a back-door attempt to rein in 
corporate salaries. Mr Hendy said that that would be "really opening a 
pandora's box".
(ABC news website, January 16).

A report by Human Rights Watch says that the United States government is
ignoring repression by governments, as long as they support their "war 
on terror".
The Bush administration is pushing for increased military ties with the
Indonesian military in the name of the 'war on terror', and has expanded 
its International Military Education and Training program, which brings 
foreign military officers to the United States to be trained.
(Herald Sun, January 15, East Timor Action Network and Indonesia Human
Rights Network (US), January 23).

Multinational Nike may be using 'free speech' as an excuse to lie about 
its operations in the Third World.
The company says that its defence of its alleged sweatshops in China,
Indonesia, and Vietnam is protected speech under the United States
Constitution - and therefore that they can't be sued for false 
advertising, even if their statements are lies.
The case arose from allegations of physical and verbal abuse, sexual
harassment and unsafe working conditions made against Nike during the 
early to mid-'90s. The company repeatedly denied the allegations, 
despite a leaked internal audit of a Vietnamese factory by the 
accountancy firm Ernst and Young, which contradicted Nike's public 
statements of denial.
Many leading US media companies are supporting Nike, including The New 
York Times and CNN.
(The Age, January 13).

A group of British train drivers have refused to move a freight train
carrying ammunition believed to be intended for British forces being
deployed in the Gulf.
Railway managers cancelled the Ministry of Defence service after the 
crewmen said they opposed Tony Blair's threat to attack Iraq.
(The Guardian (UK), January 9).

Quote of the week:
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.  That 
is easy.  All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and 
denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country 
to danger. It works the same in any country." - Nazi leader Hermann 

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Media outlets mentioned in All the News That Fits are sources - items 
are not direct quotes from news media.  Background information may have 
been gathered from sources in addition to media outlets cited.  Where no 
source is cited, the information has been gathered from direct sources.



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