The family data won't transfer unless you have
personally moved it from the old drive/computer to
the new drive/computer, Donna. You install the
program on your new computer but it is empty until
it is given your family database to load.

Is your old computer still available and is the
Legacy family file there?  You want to make a copy
of it to a CDR or DVDR or floppy (rare these days)
or thumb drive and then use that external media to
install it on your new computer.  Legacy has been
installed directly to my C drive on Vista, the
family database is on the C drive at Genealogy/
Legacy6 on my computer.  You might want it
elsewhere.  FTM (FamilyTreeMaker) is under Program

The Vista file structure is different from the XP
file structure.  You will have to adjust tot the
differences.  Many never concerned themselves
overly with how or where files were placed before,
so it takes a bit of comparing to get them working

There is a way to cable (you have to buy) and
Vista will help you automatically move files from
XP to Vista.  I didn't do it, but apparently it
works well for those who have used the options.
The wizard is built into Vista.


> Thanks for the suggestions,everyone.  I hate to
> be a burden.  I am computer
> literate in many ways but there are many things
> about the  technology that I
> haven't learned or can't keep up with, it
> seems.  I can't set up my own
> harddrive for instance, as Elaine suggested.  I'm new at working
> with Gedcom that  Robert suggested.  From
> Ancestry, I've been either writing
> info by hand or copying and pasting into a Word Perfect document, then
> pasting it onto the Legacy Research page of the
> family file, so I don't lose
> the information.  It doesn't work to copy and
> paste directly from Ancestry
> (census, for instance.).  Is that what you mean when you work with the
> material, Robert?  Then after you look it over,
> etc., are you able to import
> it right into the family file without a lot of copying and pasting?

> In trying to set up Legacy on the new Vista, I was on the phone with
> support.  The young man said "everyone" in the
> office  had wiped Vista off
> their harddrives and installed XP.  He admitted
> he was dumbfounded why I
> could not get Legacy installed with the web,
> however, and there was only one
> person in the office that knew how to work with
> Vista.  She was gone for the
> day.  I did click around and finally installed
> it with blank forms from the
> web.

> Karima, I wonder if the difference is your
> Vista Home Program.  What is
> FTM?  When I got Legacy installed,  the family
> data did not transfer.   Is
> there something I'm not doing right?
> Donna

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