What is FTM?

Family Tree Maker. I could bash Family Tree Maker , but I better stay clean. Trust me, Legacy works better than FTM!

What I mean is you can select persons on Ancestry, and download Gedcoms about them. That is what I did. That gave me sources, names, relationships. Do you know what Gedcom is?

And no, you are certainly not a burden!


Donna C. Brown wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions,everyone. I hate to be a burden. I am computer literate in many ways but there are many things about the technology that I haven't learned or can't keep up with, it seems. I can't set up my own harddrive for instance, as Elaine suggested. I'm new at working with Gedcom that Robert suggested. From Ancestry, I've been either writing info by hand or copying and pasting into a Word Perfect document, then pasting it onto the Legacy Research page of the family file, so I don't lose the information. It doesn't work to copy and paste directly from Ancestry (census, for instance.). Is that what you mean when you work with the material, Robert? Then after you look it over, etc., are you able to import it right into the family file without a lot of copying and pasting? In trying to set up Legacy on the new Vista, I was on the phone with support. The young man said "everyone" in the office had wiped Vista off their harddrives and installed XP. He admitted he was dumbfounded why I could not get Legacy installed with the web, however, and there was only one person in the office that knew how to work with Vista. She was gone for the day. I did click around and finally installed it with blank forms from the web. Karima, I wonder if the difference is your Vista Home Program. What is FTM? When I got Legacy installed, the family data did not transfer. Is there something I'm not doing right? Donna

On 9/15/07, *Quest* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi Donna,
I have a relatively new (4 months old) HP computer with Vista Home
    Premium on it and it works just fine.  I did have to download a
    new driver for my printer.  My Legacy Program, as well as all of
    the other programs I used on my old computer (except FTM) work
    just as they did before.
When you say "But, now that I have Legacy downloaded, it's BLANK!" what are you referring to? Karima
        ----- Original Message -----
        *From:* Donna C. Brown <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        *To:* LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
        *Sent:* Saturday, September 15, 2007 9:27 AM
        *Subject:* [LegacyUG] WARNING to everyone buying a new computer!

I just bought a new HP computer with Vista on it. We found a
        good sale on it but we really got what we paid for. "Will I
        ever learn?"   Vista is terrible, at this stage.  You can't
        download things easily.   It  only came with junky programs or
        ones that you can only get for 60 day trial period.  Because
        of Vista, you have to get extra help from the companies before
        you can download your favorite old programs or installation
        discs.  Everyone told me AFTER I bought the computer that I
        should have waited till Microsoft got the bugs worked out,
        just as they did with XP.  OR, I could have gotten a computer
        built with XP and the programs we use.   Our only solution now
        may be to spend more money to have Vista wiped off the
        harddrive and have XP installed back on the computer.  So much
        for sales.
Legacy walked me through the download via the web ONLY. Discs
        didn't work. But, now that I have Legacy downloaded, it's
        BLANK!  (I'm shouting with frustration!)  All my data is still
        on my old laptop with XP.  Does anyone have suggestions for
transferring the data? One other big question, when I retrieve info from Ancestry.com
        <http://ancestry.com/>, how can I import it directly to
        Legacy?  I usually have to write it in longhand and then type
        it into Legacy.  That's very time consuming and prone to
        mistakes.  Thanks for any suggestions to these problems.
        Donna Brown

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