Hello Colin:

I'm also not Penny, but I still remember my switch from FTM to Legacy (and
only regret not doing it sooner).  There were no problems with the import,
but I was horrified at the number of errors I found due to my
less-than-perfect data entry in FTM.  These show up in glaring fashion in
Legacy.  In View > Tree Finder you can see any people who may be unconnected
in your file (use "Refresh" each time).  Check your Location list and you'll
surely find enough inconsistencies to keep you busy for a couple of days.
(There is a camp who advocate using the placeholder commas and another who
hate them.  You'll have to decide for yourself.)   Under View > Master Lists
you'll find an item for Surnames, and you'll probably find a few
inconsistencies there, too.  After you've done a preliminary cleanup, you'll
probably want to run an Error Report to see what Legacy finds.  If you
disagree with anything in the error report, it's easy to tell the program to
ignore a particular bit.

Others may have additional suggestion for places to look in order to clean
up your data.

Welcome to the group.  And by the way, your messages are still not coming
through in plain text although some who respond are changing it over as I


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Colin
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 2:56 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New User of Legacy seeking advice

Hi Penny in Texas,

There seem to be a number of people on this list that have moved over from
FTM, I am beginning to understand why after using Legacy for a few days.
Do you run FTM in tandem with Legacy or have you made a total change over?
Did you have any problems in importing your FTM files, if so what were they
and do you have any suggestions.

Colin in sunny Qld.

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