Frederik Ramm <frede...@...> writes:

> I think you have understood this all right. In my eyes there's a wide 
> band between clearly non-copyrightable edits on one side (which we could 
> legally keep in OSM even if the person who added them said no - but 
> we're unlikely to exercise that right) and edits that are clearly 
> "works" on the other (which are thus copyrightable in some countries). 
> In between there may well lie some edits that are extremely unlikely to 
> qualify as a "work" in terms of IP law, but where we would still remove 
> them if the person who added them were to ask us to do it. For these, I 
> think the "opt-out" mechanism is morally acceptable.

And of course we are using the same rules for taking and giving, or? Same
amounts of data we consider non-copyrightable and keep therefore in the database
can be taken out from the new ODbl-OSM database as if they were PD? And even
store masses of separate extracts into one database because that's what we would
do ourselves?

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