Thanks Simon,

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:30 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> Am 14.01.2013 08:36, schrieb Kate Chapman:
>> 2. I have a spreadsheet of hospital locations licensed CC-BY-NC, I use
>> OSM to geocode these locations. I believe this can't happen because of
>> the incompatibility of the two licenses.
>> 3. I export school locations from OSM and then append capacity of the
>> schools and other information to the exported data. I then release the
>> data CC BY-NC on my organizations website. Also can't happen because
>> of the incompatibility of licenses.
> With both 2) and 3) if you remain within the bounds of an insubstantial
> extract
> (
> your usage would be ok, even though as you correctly state both extracts
> would normally be considered derivative databases and would require
> release of the underlying data with the ODbL.
> In both cases you are naturally free to simply produce such results on
> the fly. My reading of the ODbL would seem to indicate that if you for
> example geocoding on the fly you may not even have to provide an
> indication from where you results were derived.

That is my reading as well, though I think in most humanitarian use
cases people are going to be doing traditional types of GIS processes.
 To me this means they are unlikely to link dynamically (bandwidth
problems are fairly normal).

Hard to say if it would be substantial, I think that is going to
depend on the size of the disaster and what exactly the data is being

Thanks for your help,


> Simon
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