And here's one where it's clear the bot is just waving its hands rapidly:

write a short user's guide about how to manage a web site with the 
leo-editor, and do not explain what the leo-editor or a web site are

Sure! Here's a short user's guide on managing a website with the Leo editor:

   Install Leo Editor: Begin by installing the Leo editor on your computer. 
   Follow the installation instructions specific to your operating system.
   Create a Project Outline: Launch the Leo editor and create a new project 
   outline. The outline will serve as a hierarchical structure to organize 
   your website's files and content.
   Set up the Directory Structure: Within the project outline, create 
   directories to represent different sections or components of your website, 
   such as "Home," "About," "Services," and so on. Use Leo's outlining 
   features to create a nested structure if needed.
   Create HTML Files: Within each directory, create HTML files using Leo's 
   file creation functionality. Give each file a descriptive name that 
   reflects its purpose or content.
   Write HTML Content: Open the HTML files and write the desired content 
   using HTML markup. You can use Leo's outlining capabilities to structure 
   and organize the content hierarchically.
   Add CSS and JavaScript: If your website requires styling or 
   interactivity, create separate CSS and JavaScript files within the 
   appropriate directories. Link these files to your HTML files using 
   appropriate HTML tags.
   Preview and Test: Use the Leo editor's built-in preview functionality to 
   view your website locally. Open an HTML file, select the preview option, 
   and check the rendered output in the integrated web browser.
   Edit and Update: Make changes to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files as 
   needed to refine your website's design and functionality. Use Leo's 
   features for navigation, searching, and editing to manage and update your 
   site effectively.
   Publish Your Website: Once you are satisfied with the website's content 
   and design, use your preferred web hosting service or server to publish 
   your website. Upload the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other necessary files 
   to the appropriate directories on your web server.
   Maintenance and Updates: As your website evolves, use the Leo editor to 
   manage updates and maintain the site's structure. Add new pages, modify 
   existing content, and ensure your website remains up-to-date.
Remember to refer to the Leo editor's documentation and resources for 
detailed information on its features and functionalities. Additionally, 
consult web development resources to learn more about HTML, CSS, and 
JavaScript to enhance your website's design and functionality.

On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 2:16:50 PM UTC-4 Thomas Passin wrote:

> I thought this might be a good test.  ChatGPT came up with something I 
> probably would not have thought of (don't know if it would actually work, 
> though!):
> write a python script to copy the  line containing the cursor in the 
> Leo-editor, but do not explain what the leo-editor is
> ChatGPT
> Certainly! Here's a Python script that copies the line containing the 
> cursor in any text editor, including the Leo editor:
> import pyautogui
> import pyperclip
> def copy_line_with_cursor():
>     # Get the current cursor position
>     current_position = pyautogui.position()
>     # Move the cursor to the beginning of the line and select the line
>     pyautogui.hotkey('home')
>     pyautogui.hotkey('shift', 'end')
>     # Copy the selected line to the clipboard
>     pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c')
>     # Restore the original cursor position
>     pyautogui.moveTo(current_position)
>     # Get the copied line from the clipboard
>     copied_line = pyperclip.paste()
>     # Print the copied line
>     print(f"Copied line: {copied_line}")
> # Call the function to copy the line with the cursor
> copy_line_with_cursor()
> Make sure you have the pyautogui and pyperclip modules installed in your 
> Python environment. You can install them using pip:
> Copy code
> pip install pyautogui pyperclip
> When you run the script, it will move the cursor to the beginning of the 
> line, select the entire line, copy it to the clipboard, and restore the 
> original cursor position. Finally, it will print the copied line.
> On Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 11:44:20 PM UTC-4 Félix wrote:
>> Imagine for a second, if you will, being a teacher, and being able to 
>> transliterate the text of a lesson, or whole textbook into something 
>> written as if the author was some personal super-hero, or mythic legendary 
>> being, that the child is specifically currently obsessed with...
>> Even more, imagine now that all 27 students of your class have a 
>> different character they're obsessed with, no problem, just run the query 
>> with a list of those 27 character names that those kids will gladly give in 
>> an instant! A couple year's work of professional writers done in seconds, 
>> now available for being printed on the laser copier and distributed.
>> (i know chatgpt/gpt 3.5 cant do this given a whole long text , but gpt4 
>> can)
>> Anyways, i was just curious to read more experiences/reactions from 
>> leonistas about this new AI science that is blooming right now ! :)
>> On Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 11:36:09 PM UTC-4 Félix wrote:
>>> Maybe off-topic, (and sorry in advance if you've seen those kinds of 
>>> interactions with chatGPT before)  but while I'm finishing translating Leo 
>>> to typescript, I now use chatGPT to help move along faster. (while 
>>> verifying his answers carefully 'cause he sometimes hallucinates a little 
>>> something here and there) 
>>> I sometimes do a little extra interaction with it just for fun, mostly 
>>> because i'm still curious about that new wonder of the world that is AI can 
>>> do!
>>>  (like thanking him, and treating him like a person, to see how it will 
>>> react and answer, or sometimes just acting like it's the super intelligence 
>>> they have on the holodeck in startrek, i.e. asking him to role-play or act 
>>> as some historical figure... )
>>> So i thought you'd find it interesting to see this screenshot (also note 
>>> the choice of strings it took to fill in the arrays in the example code 
>>> below it's answer too!) 
>>> Félix
>>> [image: screenshot-gpt.png]
>>> On Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 5:09:03 PM UTC-4 
>>> wrote:
>>>> An interesting post on the subject, including "alignment": Large 
>>>> language model alignment “bias” and cultural consensus theory 
>>>> <>
>>>> .
>>>> On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 12:57:32 PM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 11:13 AM Thomas Passin <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> And now comes Google:  Google's Bard AI Chatbot Can Now Help You 
>>>>>> Code and Create Functions For Google Sheets 
>>>>>> <>.
>>>>>> *But*: Googlers say Bard AI is “worse than useless,” ethics concerns 
>>>>>> were ignored 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> .
>>>>> There will be false starts.
>>>>> Here's an pithy intro to LLMs and NNs:
>>>>> Edward

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