On Tue, 30 Jan 2001 18:01:37 +0100, Danny Backx wrote:

>I've been forced by Xp to create some system dependencies in
>Xm-2.1/Print.c . The need for them is documented in the source.
>In summary :
>- the Xp call for print-to-file requires a separate process
>  according to the Xp docs, so I needed to fork.
>- child and parent processes need some synchronisation,
>  and because I already had a UNIX dependency with the fork,
>  I decided to add pipe to it.
>OS/2 and Cygwin port will be necessary.
>Does anyone have the skill to do so ?
>It's fairly standard stuff, involving two processes that
>talk to eachother a bit.

Well, the OS/2 version definitly won't use fork().
There is some support for fork() within the development
environment which I use (EMX), but to make it work I would have
to put so many restrictions on that build that in turn much
would break than I would gain ...

Given I'll once be convinced that I have a working libXp
on my system I might try to look for a workaround.

Any non-un*x volunteers on that job (cygwin, etc.) should have a look
at the #define UNIXLIKE within Print.c. Is this sufficient to
replace the 
#ifdef unix 
later in the code
#if defined(unix) || define(UNIXLIKE)


Alexander Mai

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