On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 04:58:02PM -0700, Rush Manbert wrote:
> I have two questions:
> 1) Why doesn't libevent as released just build in Visual Studio if  
> this was so easy to accomplish for me? Or have I missed something?

I don't maintain libevent, but I'd guess any issues exist for the same
reasons I've encountered in my own projects. _Patching_ to support a
platform like Win32+VS is easy. _Maintaining_ the patch/port is quite a
headache. Especially so regarding Visual Studio--as opposed to a simple
MinSYS make(1) port--because the build system is probably never used by the
lead maintainers. And in my short, punctuated experience w/ Visual Studio,
the config system changes faster than even autotools' rate of churn (and I'm
no fan of autotools). (Plus, it's common these days for environments to host
a plethora of autotools version combinations, but because of the monolithic
IDE paradigm of Visual Studio, this isn't feasible for typical Windows

> 2) I would be happy to provide a patch that adds this support. Are any  
> of the developers interested in receiving it?

Afraid of commitment? (Just kidding.)

If libevent still doesn't build out-of-the-box, despite the endless
submissions of patches to fix [apparently] broken builds over the years, I
suspect the only tenable solution is for somebody to step up and either
manually or automagically build from the tree on a regular basis (weekly?),
or to fork a Windows branch which tracks the development branch, similar to
how Portable OpenSSH tracks OpenBSD's OpenSSH.

In my projects, I typically only attempt to support make(1). (GNU Make if
I'm lazy, or the project is too big.) But this allows me to focus on using a
mingw-gcc cross-compiler to verify builds and Wine to run regressions. The
best VS patch to libevent would be one which somehow automates the process

Alternatively, maintain a port uses CMake--or something similar--which might
ultimately get pulled into mainline. But you'll need significant buy-in
(i.e. have done a very polished job) from the leads, I think.

Lastly, ditching Visual Studio support altogether--instead relying on MinSYS
and make(1)--and simply maintaing a binary Visual Studio archive might work
better. But unless it's kept up-to-date on a very regular basis, it'll be
hard to placate a developer's need/greed for the latest, greatest,
just-fished-out-of-the-water code (a near universal ailment ;)

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