Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 19:02:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matt Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Win98/70CT audio playback: A lost cause?

Phew... That was a bit like Mickey Mouse as the
sorceress’s apprentice in Fantasia!!  Has the flood

Dan has been having a lot of problems with the list
software in the past year, and I guess just hasn't had
the time or incentive to do the upgrade he's mentioned
to address the problem of SPAM clogging up the server.

And again, maybe we ought to get together a campaign
of writing Dan at  Daniel(at) and offer
him some encouragement and support for getting the new
server software set up.  

Anyone have experience in doing something like that
might be able to give Dan some assistance in setting
things up?  I did suggest that to Dan.

--- David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:57:34 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] Win98/70CT audio playback: A lost
> cause?
> If it does shut down, it must be a thermal issue. 
> Maybe you have to disassemble it and regrease 
> the heatsink and set it in properly?
> Or maybe just unlucky and have a Libretto that has
> thermal issues?

Well the worst shutdowns were while driving through
deserts for days at 112 degrees F. with the 70 playing
MP3s and mapping with a GPS.  For the most part in the
3-4 years I’ve had it it’s been fine.  But I’m
wondering if there might be cumulative damage to the
CPU after a number of such thermal shutdowns.

I did have the heat sync off years back when Neil had
me solder some fuse wire across a blown fuse to get
the monitor working again.  As I recall, the sticky
thing that acted as a heat sync was damaged separating
from the CPU.  And I was quite sparing in how much
heat sync grease I applied when reassembling having
read warnings that sometimes too much can be worse
than too little.  

It there a rule for just how much should be applied? 
I could go in and re-grease things.


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