On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 10:29:40 -0500 Nick Bowler <nbow...@draconx.ca> wrote:

NB> On 2/10/16, Bob Friesenhahn <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote:
NB> > On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, Peter Rosin wrote:
NB> >> I agree wholeheartedly with the notion that --disable-static should end
NB> >> up in a failure and not somehow degrade to a static build anyway. I
NB> >
NB> > Is this not the case?  I have seen builds on Windows fail due to using
NB> > --disable-static.
NB> I just tested it on a library which does not specify -no-undefined, and
NB> therefore won't be built as a shared lib on Windows:

 This just doesn't correspond to my experience: when cross compiling from
Linux using libtool 2.4.2, a static library is created. If you want to
reproduce this, just clone https://github.com/vadz/test-libtool-dll and
then do

        % libtoolize
        % automake --add-missing --foreign
        % autoconf
        % mkdir build-msw
        % cd $_
        % ../configure --enable-maintainer-mode --host=i686-w64-mingw32
        % make V=0

It does give the following (misleading, as there are no undefined symbols
in this case) message:

        libtool: link: warning: undefined symbols not allowed in 
i686-w64-mingw32 shared libraries

but then proceeds with creating a static library.

 I don't know if this works differently under MSYS or if this was fixed
since 2.4.2, but it's definitely broken here.


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