On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 8:45 PM, aw <anth...@whitford.com> wrote:

> It is time for me to add some serious widgets to my lift app.
> So far, I am most enamored by ExtJS.
> Another alternative could possibly be ZK.
> Does anybody have any experience with these frameworks?  Can you
> comment on why integrating them with Scala/Lift would be a bad idea
> (or not work)?
> I searched for some historical posts on ExtJS and discovered some
> threads about it's license and how it impacts inclusion in the lift
> framework.  Would a commercial license prohibit it from being a lift-
> widget submodule candidate?
> Does anybody have a better suggestion that you think can compete with
> ExtJS?

I'm using ExtJS in anger at 0rk.  3.1.1 is nice.  3.0.0 is weird.  Some odd
bugs being reported.  We're also getting some weird interactions with some
other js libraries ( I won't mention it, it's not available anymore, and if
it was it just leave you scarred) and CSS.  However, that's the other
libraries fault more then ExtJS's.

If you want something that looks and feels as close to a desktop app as you
can get.. ExtJS can do the job well.  With Lift providing the JSON, it would
be hard to go wrong.  That said.. ExtJS is not an easy beast to learn.  It's
even worse to try and L10N it easily.  I would not try and use just pieces
of it, it's really not designed to do that.  It seems to me to be an all or
nothing approach.  That's not say you can't use it piecemeal, I think you
lose a lot of flexibility (especially in layout) that way.

I wouldn't use it if left to my own devices though, unless I had a
requirement for a desktop app on the web.  It's serious overkill.

James A Barrows

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