On 2016-07-20 3:48 AM, Urs Liska wrote:
> If I'm not mistaken this is a piano reduction?
> If that's the case i'd assume there's a tied note or two slurred ones in
> an instrumental part here.
> I see two options here, depending on what you want with this score:
> 1 (the scholarly approach):
> Get hold of the full score and see if there's a part that warrants the
> slur/tie. If you find somethign adjust the thing accordingly.

There may have been a full score somewhere, but WorldCat doesn’t
indicate that any libraries have it.  (At
<https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/497759088> there’s a record of an
orchestrated “Selection from … Peter Pan”, but note “selection from” and
also the orchestration is by Fred Adlington not John Crook.)

Perhaps the Duke of York’s Theatre has in its archives a complete score,
and I am trying to find someone there whom I might ask about this.
(Amazingly enough, their web presence seems entirely dedicated to
selling people tickets to current performances and does not have their
archivist’s contact information prominently displayed.  It’s almost as
if my request is somehow an unusual one… ;) )

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