On Thu 05 Oct 2023 at 23:12:44 (+0200), Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> > Le 5 oct. 2023 à 22:39, Ian West <ian42w...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> > Dear David (copied to Jean, and Paul,)
> >     You are very kind. I shall give it a go. But I think you will have to 
> > agree that this is some 5 orders (***) of magnitude more complex than 
> > versions: 2.12.3, 2.18.2-1, and 2.20.0. I never would have got into 
> > Lilypond were I starting from here.
> > 
> >     But you raise another problem; arm64 or x86_64? I read elsewhere "An 
> > Apple M1 or M2 processor is also sometimes referred to by the architecture 
> > name of aarch64 or arm64." Or maybe it does not matter. 
> Even for Apple Silicon (M1/M2, aka arm64, aka aarch64), the official 
> downloads from lilypond.org are built for x86_64. They can still run on Apple 
> Silicon thanks to the automatic emulation that is done by the system.
> Consequently, when you follow the official installation procedure, you do 
> *not* have to choose between x86_64 and arm64 since the only choice is x86_64.
> (Providing native arm64 executables officially would be nice, since these 
> could be faster on Apple Silicon than x86_64 emulation, but the machine we 
> currently use for macOS releases is x86_64.)

Perhaps that might be made clearer in the macOS section of
https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.25/Documentation/web/download .

> > Following the MacPorts route,
> But why do you want to follow the MacPorts route now?
> You are not solving problems here, only creating problems.
> MacPorts is great for terminal aficionados. If you are not such a person, 
> stay away from it.

Perhaps because I wrote about it. (The OP's original reference was
very much in passing.)

The reference above mentions "For older macOS versions, please use
MacPorts", but LM §1.4 doesn't make that distinction.

> When you go to https://lilypond.org/download.html , it says "macOS". I only 
> mentioned the meaning of "darwin" because you went looking into the 
> **previous** download website (that for LilyPond before 2.23.6), which used 
> this terminology.

Again, it might be made clearer in §1.3 that not only does "“darwin”
means it’s for macOS", but that software named …x86_64… also runs on
the arm64 architecture in macOS.

> For what it's worth, I have recently implemented auto-installation of 
> LilyPond in Frescobaldi.
> This means that after the next Frescobaldi release (hopefully soonish) the 
> procedure will look more like "download the Frescobaldi .app and double-click 
> to open, get a screen proposing to install LilyPond, click OK, done".
> That's about as close to easy you can get without reintroducing all the 
> technical problems linked with the old "LilyPond.app" packaging.

When you reverse the order of downloads in §1.3, it could become even
less clear what the best way is to install just LP on a Mac. Would it
be worth expanding the first two paragraphs of §1.4 a little, or is it
really not recommended to run LP without Frescobaldi?


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