On 2024-02-24 4:04 pm, Andy Bradford wrote:

I have a piece with two verses in a repeat. The second time through there is a slight alteration in one of the measures which adds additional notes. I've been able to accomplish this using a temporary voice, but I'm not sure if this is the best way as the words "ma - mo mu" end up shifted down another line. Here is the smallest section that
I could provide, but I wonder if I can align the text better?

[ . . . ]

Each new Lyrics context will appear on its own line. This is sometimes desirable, but if you need to keep lyrics on the same line, they will have to share the same Lyrics context.

Probably the easiest the option is to \set associatedVoice to temporarily align your lyrics to the alternate notes. The important quirk of associatedVoice is that you must make the change a syllable ahead of when you need it:

      \new Voice = melody \relative {
      | c'4 d
          \once \voiceOne e2
          \new Voice = alt \magnifyMusic #0.618 {
            e8 f e4
      | g1
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody { a i u o }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody {
        % a i u e u o
        %  ↑ │   ↑ │  We switch voices one syllable earlier.
        %  └─┘   └─┘

        a \set associatedVoice = alt
        i u e \unset associatedVoice
        u o

-- Aaron Hill

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