Hi Andy,

Aaron has already answered your question, but I'd like to suggest one more 
adjustment. Reading the rhythm would be easier if you replaced two of the 
dotted quarter notes with an eighth note tied to the following quarter note. 
Here is the modified code:

\version "2.18.2"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")

\score {
    \new ChoirStaff {
        \new Staff {
            \key c \major
            \time 4/4
            \new Voice = "first" {
              \relative c' {
                \partial 4
                c8 c
                \repeat volta 2 {
                  a b8~ b4 r4 a8 c
                  << % maybe there is a better way?
                    { \voiceOne c4. d8 d8. }
                    \new Voice = "second" {
                      \voiceTwo \tiny c4 c8 d8 \normalsize }
                  >> \oneVoice e16 f8 c
                  a c4 c8~ c4 d8 e
                \alternative {
                  { f4 r2 c8 c }
                  { f2( d4) c8 c }
                f1 \bar "|."
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "first" {
          lo lo |
          la -- la la -- la |
          la, la la la la la --
          la la. la la la |
          lu mo mo
          mo __ mi me
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "first" {
          \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 }
          mo -- mu. mi me |
          \repeat unfold 2 { \skip 1 } ma ma mi me |
          mu -- mo.  ma mi -- mi
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "second" {
          ma -- mo mu % this ends up shifted down below the second verse
  \layout {
    \context {
      proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)


On 25. 02. 24 16:24, Andy Bradford wrote:
Thus said Aaron Hill on Sat, 24 Feb 2024 20:51:44 -0800:

Probably  the  easiest  the  option  is  to  \set  associatedVoice  to
temporarily align  your lyrics to  the alternate notes.  The important
quirk of associatedVoice  is that you must make the  change a syllable
ahead of when you need it:

I see,  yes, this works  quite well, thank you.  It also cleans  up some
other tricks I had employed to try to get the text aligned (specifically
I had  some manual  \break and  also extended the  voice longer  than it
needed to be).



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