Hi ,

On Sat , 7 Mar 2009 18:48:07 +0100 Michael Skiba wrote : >although I like
the mailtext better, it's easier, simpler and more
 >efficient :) (or maybe even a wiki solution?)

Maybe we have to ask ourself : do we want to go on with this ?
If everyone does ( and I really hope so ) , it can be useful to spend a wiki
page on it ( if possible ),
where we can get the idea's together and maybe also WIP screen-shots could
be placed .

So maybe a little voting on this ?

And on the disaster scene's , the chance on a nuclear disaster is very
little ( it think you have more chance on a rocket disaster ) .
And also in real life none wants a power-plant next to them , but the same
for a rocket base ( witch is in the game )
So I think we can add a real touch to it , but also leaving it at game to .

Greetings to you all ,

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